Lauren and Darin wanted their Fall engagement shoot to be cozy and fun! It was such an adventurous evening! We met at Cumberland Falls and explored the trails and awed at all the colorful trees. It was a very misty, overcast day which was complete opposite from their spring shoot. We loved how that captured all the feels of the evening! We started out at capturing the famous bridge and workout our way down the the bottom of the falls. We ventured all throughout the park and had the best time getting to know our couple and exploring. Once we had captured all the cozy falls we ventured up to the lodge to end the night off. The colors of the trees were all so bright and the wind hit Lauren’s hair just so perfectly. Darin reminds me so much of my goofy husband and Lauren is more like me! They really compliment each other. I know their wedding day is going to be gorgeous and as always, we can’t wait!
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